
10 - 11 of May

At what time?

from 6 pm to midnight


In Leonardo Campus' gardens, behind the main building!

Show your talent

Music Concert

to perform

We are looking for people who want to perform and show their talent, of any kind! For example:

singing - dancing - music - freestyle - stand-up comedy - improv - monologue - short films screening - projects expositions - talent show - visual arts exposition - poetry - juggling - mime - couples or group exhibition

Come on, don't think too much about it, anything will be just good! 

(For any technical equipment, we will provide it!)

To participate

It's all free! We will start on Tuesday 10 and Wednsesday 11 of May at the main campus gardens.

Exhibitions will start from 18:00 and will go on until midnight.

There will be refreshment made by us with food and drinks!


It's a talentfest, not a competition! Everyone will be free to perform, show his/her masterpieces or just participate to contribute for the mood and for the show!

It will be something like a concert, a theatre, an exhibition, a show, a carnival but alltogether! And everything proudly made in PoliMi by the students

More info

Exhibitions will be both on-stage (performances) and off-stage (expositions).

- Performances will be organized beforehand through a subscription form that you can find here, and they will be interspersed with short presentations and breaks.

- Expositions (of written poetry, drawings, visual art) will be right next to the stage, where we will set a banquet with refreshment (with food and drinks).

If you have further questions or doubts don't hesitate to contact us through our social channels!

Initiative realized with the contribution of Politecnico di Milano