Students elections 2023

Why Studenti Indipendenti

Who are we? Studenti Indipendenti is the newest students representative list of PoliMi, we were born 4 years ago with the idea to bring a significant change to our university, bringing it to be as much as possible student friendly.

At the last elections we got a seat in the Academic Senate and in every School Faculty council, and we worked for you and obtained many things in those 2 years: we would want to continue our workin order to improve even more our university!

The most present list

We are really committed to bringing proposals for representation, in fact we are the most present list in the university bodies. Would you ever vote for representatives who don't show up for meetings? Don't waste your vote!

Studenti Indipendenti 98%

Our Candidates

Do you want to discover who is running for elections with us? Do you want to see what we have obtained in the last two years?

Follow us on Instagram then, you will find useful and updated info on our victories and on our candidates, as well as inf oon events, trips, parties and much more!

Academic Senate

Board of Governors

scuola Design

scuola AUIC

scuola ICAT

On May 23 and 24 vote for the indipendent student representatives, vote for Studenti Indipendenti!